Thursday, December 2, 2010

Climate Change - is this the inconvenient Truth

Why do we keep hearing all the indignation about climate change?
Is it real or is it just a beat up to justify the position a number of scientists took with regard to Global warming, well the answer is very simple.......YES.

When they discovered the fear tactics they had been trying to force feed us on Global Warming were being scuttled by Global Cooling, they decided they best call it Climate Change.....this was a typical beat up by scientists who needed to save face due to their stand in agreeing with Global warming.

So this leaves a question does Climate Change exist?, well in 1984 they claimed it existed and...100 years prior it was said to exist.... and they were in fact right on both ocassions.

You see Climate Change has existed from the formation of our planet, and will continue through to when our planet finally implodes on the back of the noxious gases that are let off by The Greens and the Union/Labor party, for it is far more resilient than we are. It adjusts to changes in rotation of the earth and shifts in gravitational pull, it also adjusts after significant Solar flares meteor collisions with earth and our own attempts to destabilise the earths composition. And Nature adjusts along with climate change to
ensure a balance is kept, throughout the earth.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

NBN - Not blasted Needed

A 36 page summary meant 2 supposed independent Senators agree to support the NBN.
A $8 billion dollar reduction in the roll out cost is explained as a result of Telstra agreeing to NBN using their existing infrastructure, how generous of them?? Telstra is a business and aren't about to throw away an opportunity to make money, so what has this cost us, no-one has bothered to ask?

A 36 page summary was released out of a 50 page summary, 14 pages were deemed to be Commerce in confidence, well as it is our money this should not exist. We need to know what the Government is hiding in those 14 pages?

Now they are saying we will have savings through bundling on the NBN? We have had this for years and it does not cost us 37 billion + dollars. They have also talked about other services that will use the NBN, but these use our existing services already?

We still will be required to have the Network attached to our homes and the cost of this may still be too high for many, especially when we have Broadband with speeds that are fast.

In what alternate reality do they see this as justifiable? They are rushing the roll out so we will be stuck with it and are certainly stuck with the bill that NBN Co, are relishing as they will have a Network rolled out at taxpayers expense and then they will be making money from us again through ongoing usage.