I GREG COMBET, Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, hereby commission Professor Ross Garnaut to update significant elements of his 2008 Garnaut Climate Change Review ('the 2008 Review'), and to report by 31 May 2011.
The review update will update elements of the Climate Change Review where:
- significant changes have occurred, or the sum of expert knowledge has increased, since the original analysis for the 2008 Review was undertaken; and
- where such changes or improvements in expert knowledge could have significant implications for the key findings and recommendations of the 2008 Review, such that they should be updated.
The Review Update should consider:
- international developments on climate change mitigation efforts;
- developments in climate change science, and understanding of climate change impacts;
- previous proposals to develop a carbon price in Australia, and the ensuing public debate;
- domestic and international emissions trends;
- changes in low emissions technology costs and availability;
- the potential for abatement within the land sector; and
- developments in the Australian electricity market.
Throughout the Review Update, consultation with key stakeholders will be required to understand views and inform analysis.
A series of publicly released papers is to be prepared between November 2010 and March 2011. A final report is to be presented to the Government by 31 May 2011.
The Report will embody the independent judgments of its author.
It appears the issues in the Terms of Reference aren't really important, like India 's Carbon Pricing, USA not resigning with the Kyoto agreement and one of their states actually dismantling a similar Carbon Tax policy as being too hard on the people.
The significant developments in Climate Change science debunking the man made alarmists theory is also not only not addressed, they went as far as deciding to ignore the science??? This goes on and on, and these Terms of Reference shows Combet and Garnaut ignore the process and makes it up as they go along
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